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Albino Full White Guppy(1 pair)

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹249.00.

Albino White Solid Colour Strain

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The Full Platinum Albino Guppy (Poeciiareticuwata var. “Full Platinum Albino”) is a relatively newer color strain of the classic guppy that has only recently become available. This guppy boasts a vivid, solid white coloration that is highlighted with iridescent blue, pink, and yellow.Females are less colorful, but females of this variety are much more colorful than other varieties.This fish also has a long, flowing tail and dorsal fin that add to its extremely elegant appearance. This is a truly striking. beautiful fish that could be the centerpiece of any aquarium. Females of this variety are very rare and, when available, typically commanda very high price.

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