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Earth Star Plant – Pink

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹320.00.

  • Light : Bright indirect sunlight
  • Maintenace: Low maintenance
  • Special feature : Pet friendly
  • Watering : Water once a week
  • Where to grow : Bright indoors

Availability: 5 in stock

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The earth star brown, a member of the bromeliad family endemic to Brazil, is a small plant with tapering flat leaves clustered in rosettes. This low-growing beauty has wavy leaves with striped variegation. A fantastic solution for table tops and shelves.

Plant Care

Fertilizer/ feed for the plant: The earth star plant does not need to be fed on a regular basis. During the active growth season, use a well-balanced fertiliser once a month.

Repotting :
Because it grows slowly, it does not require regular repotting. It should be repotted every two years in a new growth media or when it outgrows its existing pot. Earth star propagates by pups, which should be planted in a new planter after they reach one-third the size of the original plant.

Typical issues

1. What is the cause of the white cottony growth on my plant?

Mealy bugs, which appear as cottony growth on leaf surfaces and fissures, are a threat to the earth star plant. In the event of an infestation, remove any visible bugs and treat the plant with a pesticide to prevent future development.

2. What is causing the leaves to lighten?

Too much light, particularly direct sunshine, causes leaf bleaching.

3. What is the cause of my plant’s wilting?

Although the earth star like dampness, excessive moisture causes root rot. Allow your plant soil to dry between waterings and fully soak when watering.

Design and Decoration

Light Requirements: Because the earth star dislikes direct light, provide it with indirect light throughout the day or a few hours of dappled light in the mornings.

Locations: Because earth star plants prefer humidity, they thrive in well-lit bathrooms, kitchens, and locations with indirect light. Avoid windows that face south and receive a lot of direct sunlight.

Styling/decor tip : Because of their compact, low-growing nature, earth stars are ideal for side tables and table tops. They also thrive in the moist environments of bathrooms and kitchens. Grow them in monochrome pots for a more modern look, or in quirky and contrasting planters for a more fun atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do earth star plants like humidity?

Earth star plants love humidty but they are susceptible to root rot in water-logged soil. Ensure that the potting medium is rich and well-draining.

Does the earth star plant bloom?

The earth star is more famous for the foliage. The flowers are white and tubular and hidden in the middle of the rosettes and non-impressive.

What are the common names of Earth Star Plant Pink?

Earth Star Plant Pink is also known as Starfish Plant.

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