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Peace Lily Plant

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

  • Light : Bright indirect light
  • Maintenace: Low maintenance
  • Special feature : Air purifying
  • Watering : Water twice a week
  • Where to grow : Bright indoor, shaded outdoor

Availability: 19 in stock

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The Spatiphyllum Sensation, the larger relative of the lovely peace lily, is one of the world’s most popular peace lily kinds. It features huge, glossy, oblong leaves that are great air purifiers in addition to its beautiful white blossoms. The best thing is how easy it is to grow and how minimal care it is, making it an excellent choice for first-time gardeners.

Plant Care

Fertilizer/ feed for the plant: Use a well-balanced potting mix of soil, coco peat, and compost in a 1:1:1 ratio. Once every three months, feed with a rich compost/leaf mould containing required micronutrients. Peace Lily will outgrow her present container and will require annual repotting in a slightly larger pot. Peace Lily may be readily replicated by dividing parts of the mother plant once it has grown large enough. It is critical to water your peace lily for at least one or two hours before repotting.

Typical issues

1. Should I remove the golden leaves from my peace lily?

It is critical to prune the yellow leaves from the base, but it is also critical to treat the source of the yellowing foliage. Yellowing leaves indicate that your peace lily has been overwatered or has been exposed to direct sunshine.

2. Why Peace Lily has turned yellow?

Underwatering or overwatering are the most obvious causes of yellowing leaves in a peace lily. Set a watering plan and water when the topsoil is dry to the touch.

3. Why Peace Lily getting damaged or die ?

Too much or too little water might can damage your Peace Lily. To keep your plant safe, adjust your watering schedule. Another important reason is too direct sunlight or abuse of fertilisers, which causes the plant to burn.

Design and Decoration

Light Requirements: The Peace Lily may grow well in regions with very little light, but it will not blossom in such conditions. Place your peace lily in a brilliantly lit area away from direct sunlight to stimulate flowering.

Locations: Your Peace Lily will look great on your bedside table, workplace desk, shaded balcony, or in the bathroom. Keep your peace lily 5 to 8 feet away from a bright window.

Styling/decor tip : The Peace Lily instantly adds an elegant and refined atmosphere to your space. The peace lily’s brilliant green foliage and lovely white blossoms make it a sight to see. Combine this Peace Lily with a monochromatic planter to make her the star of any room! If you have a pet, keep it out of reach of your furry youngster since Peace Lilies are deadly to pets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Peace Lily animal friendly?

No, Peace lily is poisonous if ingested by cats or dogs.

How often should I water Peace Lily?

Water your Peace Lily well. Allow top 1 inch of soil to dry out between the watering.

Does Peace Lily purify air?

Yes, Peace Lily is an excellent air purifier.

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