Rotala species Spikey [Hybrid pot] is a delicate fine-leaf Taiwanese plant. Rotala sp. Spikey [Hybrid pot] is well-known in aquaristics and is widely available in the trade. Because this Rotala was originally introduced under the incorrect name “Mayaca sellowiana,” many people mistake it for R. There is a new plant in the hobby. Smaller, narrower, and pointed green Rotal rotundifolia leaves. Bright light, CO2 injection, and adequate nutrient dosing are required for it to thrive. It’s relatively simple and appropriate for beginners. In an aquarium, it can grow densely, preventing light from reaching the lower leaves. Pruning should be done on a regular basis to allow for the growth of new stems. When exposed to direct sunlight, the leaves turn pink. The emergent leaves are light green and round at first, but they quickly change into pointed, narrow leaves with a pink underside. According to some hobbyists, it can gradually adapt to conditions in a CO2-limited environment.
Rotala is a plant genus in the loosestrife family. A variety of species are used as aquarium plants. Rotala andamanensis is one species. Densiflora Rotala Hippuris Rotala Indica rotala Malabar Rotala Malampuzhensis Rotala Ramosior rotala
Important success factors
Enough light (medium and above) to achieve good coloration
Avoid using water with extreme parameters (high alkalinity or uncycled tanks)
Is Rotala a simple plant?
Rotala is tolerant of a wide range of water parameters and is a simple plant to grow; after a period of adjustment, it does well even in aquariums without carbon dioxide injection.
Can Rotala survive in the absence of CO2?
The Rotundifolia is a perennial plant in the Rotala Genus that is relatively easy to care for without CO2.