Elysian Flora

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Living Beings

Aquarium fishes and other living beings like shrimp, snails are a true attraction for our eyes. Fish keeping is an entertaining hobby of having aquarium at home. Aquarists are the people who have the fish keeping as their hobby. Even small Pet stores sell a variety of freshwater fishes such as Goldfish, Angelfish, Guppies, Neon tetra, Betta Fish, Platy, and Gourami, Mollies etc and other shrimp, snails. Feel free to buy fishes at the lowest rates available online from Elysian Flora.

Shrimps are a beautiful addition to aquaristics, and they can be kept in aquascapes very well. Shrimps act as perfect natural algae prevention, as they continually graze on all surfaces in the tank, thus busily eating algae. It is much easier to keep your planted aquarium or aquascape free from algae if you keep shrimps in it. Especially the Yamato or Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata, formerly known as C. japonica) is famous for its ravenous appetite for algae. A sufficiently large group of Amano shrimps will rid your aquarium of all types of algae.

Red bee shrimps (Caridina cf. cantonensis) are especially colourful, however, they have special requirements regarding the water they live in. Special shrimp food, substrates suitable for bee shrimp keeping and re-mineralising salts are useful and recommendable accessories for keeping and breeding these beauties.

Showing 1–24 of 166 results

Aquarium fishes and other living beings like shrimp, snails are a true attraction for our eyes. Fish keeping is an entertaining hobby of having aquarium at home. Aquarists are the people who have the fish keeping as their hobby. Even small Pet stores sell a variety of freshwater fishes such as Goldfish, Angelfish, Guppies, Neon tetra, Betta Fish, Platy, and Gourami, Mollies etc and other shrimp, snails. Feel free to buy fishes and other living beings at the lowest rates available online from Elysian Flora.

Shrimps are a beautiful addition to aquaristics, and they can be kept in aquascapes very well. Shrimps act as perfect natural algae prevention, as they continually graze on all surfaces in the tank, thus busily eating algae. It is much easier to keep your planted aquarium or aquascape free from algae if you keep shrimps in it. Especially the Yamato or Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata, formerly known as C. japonica) is famous for its ravenous appetite for algae. A sufficiently large group of Amano shrimps will rid your aquarium of all types of algae.

Red bee shrimps (Caridina cf. cantonensis) are especially colourful, however, they have special requirements regarding the water they live in. Special shrimp food, substrates suitable for bee shrimp keeping and re-mineralising salts are useful and recommendable accessories for keeping and breeding these beauties.

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