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Anubias barteri ‘Nana’

  • Family : Araceae
  • Care Level : Easy
  • Growth Rate : Slow
  • Maximum Size : 7.5 inches
  • Minimum Tank Size : 10 gallons
  • Water Condition : 72-82°F
  • pH : 6-7.5, 3-8 KH

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Anubias barteri ‘Nana’ is a small, attractive plant that grows well in any environment. It is native to Cameroon and grows to a height of 5-10 cm. The rhizome will be 10-15 cm long or longer. It grows slowly, and the leaves survive for several years, allowing slow-growing algae to establish themselves. Planting on a stone or tree root produces the best results. To attach the plant until it takes hold, use fishing line. If planted on the ground, the rhizome should not be covered because it rots. It blooms frequently in water and thrives in shady areas where other plants do not. Herbivorous fish do not consume it.

Anubias Barteri Var Nana is the dwarf variant of the popular Anubias plant, which is widely used in aquariums of all sizes. It, like other Anubias, can grow in both submerged and emersed aquariums and terrariums. The stems are slightly longer than those of Anubias Nana, but the shape and characteristics are the same. Because the leaves can grow up to 3″ long, this plant works well as a midground or background plant.

Anubias is a flowering plant whose rhizome grows best when attached to a hard surface such as wood or stones. They require low to medium light and can benefit from regular fertilisation. CO2 is not required, but it can promote faster growth and stronger leaves. Because it grows slowly, the leaves are prone to algae growth if exposed to bright light.

Propagation is simple; simply cut or pull apart rhizomes to be replanted. If the rhizomes are not kept above the substrate, the plant will rot. Anubias are tough plants that can grow in a variety of conditions. These epiphytes can be grown above the ground or attached to hardscape. The plant will melt and die if the rhizome is buried. Make no drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will cause the aquarium plant to melt and rot.

Is it simple to grow anubias Barteri?
Anubias care is simple, making it an ideal plant for newcomers to the hobby. Anubias thrive in tanks of all sizes and shapes. Lighting specifications: Another reason anubias care is simple is that its lighting requirements are straightforward.

Is Anubias nana suitable for aquariums?
It, like other Anubias plants, can grow in both submerged and emersed aquariums and terrariums. Anubias Nana is a flowering plant whose rhizome grows best when attached to a hard surface such as wood or stones. They require low to medium light and can benefit from regular fertilisation.

Is it necessary to plant Anubias nana?
Anubias can be grown in the substrate by burying the roots but leaving the rhizome exposed. If the rhizome is buried, it will usually rot and kill the plant. Rather than burying the roots in the substrate, I’ve found that attaching my anubias to rocks and driftwood works best for me.

How big can Anubias Barteri grow?
Anubias barteri is a low-maintenance aquarium plant. Its size varies greatly, but with a height of about 9-14″, it grows much larger than Anubias barteri var. nana. Hardy and eye-catching in any aquarium.

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