Common Name: Arrowhead Plant, Arrowhead Vine, Goosefoot
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum (see below for available varieties)
Although they start out as adorable compact well behaved indoor plants, Arrowhead vines, as the name implies, want to spread out and extended in all directions. There are some varieties like the allusion series that tend to stay more compact, but others like the White Butterfly will spread it’s wings and fly out in all directions! Don’t be shy when it comes to pruning back these prolific growers, as they love to be tamed and will become fuller plants when trimmed back! All syngonium are easy-care plants as long as you remember to water them. They are low-light tolerant houseplants and will grow virtually anywhere in your home. Their leaves display a wide range of colors and patterning, so choose the one that best fits your personality.
The most wonderful attribute of this adaptable houseplant is that it can be trained to grow any way you want! Try encouraging them to grow on a stake, trellis or even a wall! Their tendrils will attach themselves to surfaces, but you must tie older plants to their supports to give the new growth time to adhere themselves to the stake. Smaller, younger plants will find the supports all by themselves because that is just what they do!
Arrowhead Vines are a plant collectors dream because there are so many varieties, each one with their own character and personality. Syngonium are also the perfect houseplants for the people with little to no plant care experience. They can live a long time without fertilizer, and can be placed in almost any space with very little light and live a long time. (All indoor plants need light to thrive!)
Important! Arrowhead vines are poisonous if ingested, so be very careful if you have pets and/or small children.
Although these plants are extremely low-light tolerant, they will grow faster and maintain their vibrant coloring and markings if grown in medium to bright indirect light. Direct sun will scorch their leaves. Syngonium can also be grown under artificial light sources if your space is light-challenged. Try moving your Arrowhead vines closer to the light source during the winter months, and remember to rotate your plants every time you water them or attend to them to encourage a full-bodied plant!
Allow these indoor plants to dry out partially between watering. If left dry for too long, the lower leaves will dry up and turn brown. If this happens, soak the soil and let the plant re-hydrate. If the soil stays wet for extended periods, the leaves will turn yellow or brown. The soil becomes waterlogged when a plant is over-watered, preventing oxygen from reaching the roots. This bog-like condition of the soil is a perfect breeding pond for bacteria and disease. This is meant to scare you away from over-watering!
Arrowhead Vines will grow in most household temperatures ranging from 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit. They do not like the temps to drop below 50℉. Keep them away from drafts and doorways during the winter months.
Average household humidity 40-50% is adequate for these indoor plants, but most houseplants benefit from humidity over 60% if you can provide it. There are a few ways you can increase the humidity around your arrowhead vines, so find the way that best suits you and your aesthetic.
Arrowhead vines should be fertilized during the growing season with ½ strength complete liquid fertilizer twice a month. Or use a slow release fertilizer or top dress with worm castings or compost in early spring. These are fast-growing plants and they benefit from fertilization as this will help them develop large leaves and a healthy root system. Learn when and how to fertilize all of your houseplants! If you are a visual learner, watch our video about how to feed your indoor plants.
Pro Tips
Try letting these indoor vines grow long and display them as a hanging plant as it matures.
If you like a compact full plant, then prune the foliage back to maintain its form.
Propagate the cuttings in water as these indoor vines grow roots very quickly. Please note that some plants are patented and propagation is prohibited! Check the patent status of all houseplants before you propagate.
Clean the leaves of your arrowhead vines every few weeks with a medium-soft watering. This will remove dust and potential pests from accumulating!
Rotate your syngonium 1/4 turn, every time you water it, or pamper it. This will encourage it to grow balanced and evenly.