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Micranthemum umbrosum

  • Type : Stem
  • Origin : North America
  • Growth rate : High
  • Height : 10 – 15+
  • Light demand : Medium
  • CO2 : Medium

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Micranthemum umbrosum is a lovely American plant with small round leaves. It grows to be 10-25 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, making it suitable for both small and large aquariums. The amount of light required is relatively high. The addition of CO2 will aid growth. When the plant starts to grow, it grows quickly, and the shoots must be pinched out on a regular basis (can be planted as cuttings in the soil). It looks great in large groups of many stems.

Micranthemum Umbrosum has small leaves and makes an excellent foreground/midground plant. Cutting along a main stem and replanting in substrate will result in new roots. Brighter light promotes foreground plant growth; in lower light conditions, consider planting as a midground plant. It can also be used to carpet the foreground if trimmed on a regular basis to shape and control it. You can simply trim it to keep its size and shape if you want to use it as a mid-ground bush. This plant is cleverly trimmed in Dutch aquascaping to create round bushes in the mid-ground.

This is an exquisite aquarium plant that originated in the United States. Its round, light green leaves grow to about 0.5 cm in length. It does not tolerate high temperatures, as do most light-hungry plants. These plants, like Hemianthus glomeratus, are easy to shape with sharp scissors. Baby Tears is appropriate for Nano Cubes, especially if your miniature aquarium is not heated.

M. umbrosum can be difficult to adapt to a new environment at times, but once acclimated, it is not a particularly demanding plant, aside from its need for light. Good growth necessitates relatively strong lighting of at least 0.5 W/L. A lack of light causes the plant to drop its lower leaves or to have holey leaves. Simultaneously, the stems become brittle and break, causing small pieces of the plant to drift to the surface where light is more intense. This plant can be grown without the addition of CO2, but its growth rate slows significantly and the leaves become smaller. M. umbrosum is extremely easy to propagate if the basic requirements are met. Simply cut a main shoot somewhere on the stem and re-plant it in the substrate; it will quickly grow new roots and form a stand-alone plant. M. umbrosum produces a large number of new lateral shoots in the leaf axils, a few centimetres below the top of a main shoot. Cutting back the plant will encourage it to grow even more, and frequent trimming will result in dense plant mats. Emersed cultivation can boost growth rates even further; however, very moist air and a wet substrate are required. If these conditions are met, the plant grows rapidly and produces tiny white flowers in the leaf axils that resemble those of Hemianthus species. M. umbrosum is typically planted in the background or middle of an aquascape. Extremely bright lighting may cause it to grow flattish and creeping, in which case it can be used in the aquarium’s foreground.

Is CO2 required for Micranthemum Umbrosum?
Micranthemum umbrosum is a lovely plant from the United States with small round leaves. It is suitable for both small and large aquariums, with stems that grow to be 10-25 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. Light requirements are relatively high. Growth will be aided by the addition of CO2.

How should a Micranthemum Umbrosum be planted?

Take the pot out of the rockwool.
Tear the rockwool away from the roots with care. Take care not to damage the roots.
Divide the plant into several small pieces.
Plant each portion into your substrate about 2-3cm apart using aquascaping tweezers.
Planting is made easier by using finer gravel types.

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Light Requirement

Very Bright

Plant Difficulty


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